West Australian Supreme Court
Cathedral & Treasury Precinct Redevelopment
Perth, Australia
AUD $50M
Jackson Architecture undertook renovation and restoration of the historically significant Supreme Court of Western Australia building. The project involved the extensive reconsideration of how court proceedings work in the contemporary climate.
Throughout this process, we strived to honour the objectives of the state of Western Australia through structural symbolism of the importance of rule of law. The expectation was that the design appropriately reflected the Supreme Court as the highest court in the State and the Judiciary as the third branch of Government.
To draw on the geography, history and culture of Perth, the Swan River was thoroughly explored throughout the design approach. Ensuring cohesion and clarity was integral to the design team and their vision for the outcome; hence, taking inspiration from the river and its form was a highly successful decision in that it created a unique but easeful flow whilst also paying homage to the local and much cherished Swan River.
The floor plate analysis identifies view corridors and vistas that are important to assist orientation and intuitive way-finding, provide access to natural light and allow views out. Wherever possible, lines of sight are maintained across the floorplate. The new 14 level premises will deliver Courtrooms, Mediations Suites and flexible Multi- Purposes Rooms that can be adapted to suit a variety of Hearing and Mediation styles. Judicial and Registry Chambers, Conference Room, Library and Lounges are also provided.
The resulting organic forms gently counteract the orthogonal nature of the building floorplate, enabling the Supreme Court to imprint its identity as the custodian of the space.
In association with | Peter Hunt Architects
- Courtrooms;
- Mediations suites and flexible multi-purposes rooms that can be utilised for varying hearing and mediation styles;
- Judicial and Registry chambers,
- Conference rooms; and
- Library
- Various lounges.